On the edge of a forest new adventures await …

Property location

The property is located in the Sorell Council and is easy driving distance from aareas:

  • 10 minutes from Marion Bay

  • 15 minutes from Dunalley

  • 25 minutes from Sorell

  • 35 minutes from Hobart Airport

  • 45 minutes from Hobart CBD

The Kellevie / Bream Creek area is known for its rich soil and consistent rainfalls. Local producers within a 10 minute drive include:

  • Bream Creek Dairy

  • Bream Creek Vineyard

  • Bream Creek Farmers Market

  • Bream Creek Community Garden

  • Leap Farm

  • Van Bone Restaurant

About the area

  • Bream Creek Dairy cows.

    Bream Creek Dairy.

  • Bream Creek Vineyard.

  • Vegetable market stall

    Bream Creek Farmers Market.

  • Restaurant table looking over Marion Bay

    Van Bone Restaurant.

  • Leap Farm goats

    Leap Farm.

  • Vegetable market stall

    Bream Creek Market Garden.